We are especially proud of our Find a Clinician Directory. It’s the most popular page on our website! Members benefit from the Directory Listing with increased referrals and connections from our community. Join us today!


“OC Shrinks is such a unique and helpful resource for all of our local mental health professionals. Here we can find any number of referrals and resources, as well as navigate tricky situations, find or share available office space, and learn of relevant events, conferences and networking opportunities. I am so grateful to have the support and community that OC Shrinks provides.” - Dr. Monisha Vasa

“The Best, Brilliant Colleagues on The Planet.”  - E. Patrick Miller, Clinical Sports Psychologist for The LA Lakers

“This page is my safe haven. Not only it helped me to promote my business but also gave me the opportunity to meet some awesome like-minded therapists. This page created a bridge between solo or group practitioners, exchanging tools and resources and provided a safe non-judgmental (for the most part, lol) space to share mistakes and vulnerabilities. I’m grateful.” - Dr. Ari Shahabaldiny

“The OC Shrinks group has been a beyond wonderful space to connect with colleagues and has helped me numerous times. Thank you for creating this space. Also, thank you for extending your warmth so fully. I am grateful to see how open and kind our community is.” - Dr. Harpreet Malla

“OC Shrinks has been such a life saver for me. It has provided so much helpful information, referrals and it’s such a supportive place. I’m so thankful to the women that started! It’s a wonderful resource that helps me professionally and personally.” - Dorothy Miyaoka, LMFT

“OC Shrinks is the first resource I go to when seeking referral for mental health services in the region. OC Shrinks is among the few, good, easily accessible, and well administrated sources of connection and collaboration in the OC mental health professional community.  It is a community treasure, and I hope it continues to expand and affect service referral and professional development, and that its scope and capacity evolve to meet growing unmet needs.” - Gregory P., MSW